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National Bird of India

National Bird of India - PeacockNational Bird of India - Peacock - Indian Peacock has earned the glory of being the National Bird of the biggest democracy in the world. The biological name of the species is Pavo cristatus. Full of grace, pride, mysticism and beauty, peacocks have long been a part of the mythological tales of India and a symbol of royalty and divinity. Its beautiful shimmering colors made it a favorite amongst the Mughal period art and architectural motifs. This swan-sized bird has a long slender neck, white patch under its eyes and a fan-shaped beautiful array of feathers that are brightly colored in males as blue and green-bronze feathers. They are a perpetual joy to see, especially when they spread their feathers on a cloudy day just before it rains and dance gracefully to court the females. A crown-shaped crest their head lends them a more exotic look.

However peahens (females) are smaller and are of muddy-brown color. Peacocks are found throughout India, especially on the south and east of the Indus River and is protected under the Indian Wildlife Protection Act of 1972. It is a crime to poach this national bird in India and is strictly prohibited. The glistening blue breast of the peacock fascinated almost everybody while its elongated bronze-green feathers are often used to make decorative fans and other items by the Indian folk artists. Children love to keep these feathers in books. One can often spot a peacock in Jammu and Kashmir, east Assam, south Mizoram and the entire expanse of the Indian peninsula. The native species with its striking plumage are related to pheasants and generally found wild in India though they have been domesticated in some villages.