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Welcome to Intermidiate And Senior Secondary Education Board
The Intermidiate And Senior Secondary Education Board is registered and recognised by Govt. of Manipur. To offer specialized services to the government and other agencies in the field of education, in general, and school education, in particular, for the development and growth of school education system and develop proper curriculum for vocational and enduring education to prepare student population for the world of work.
Intermidiate And Senior Secondary Education Board is envisaged as a comprehensive instructional release institution that offered the autonomy to students to get education without the bottleneck of attending daily classes. We have succeeded in creating a education program as a planned extended learning endeavour. ISEB has gained an expertise in delivering instructional possessions and thereby providing opportunities to students located away from the organization.
We have expanded our education program in India.With comprehensive online solutions for the students; our axiom is to help everyone in need of quality education in all corners of the world. The remarkable contribution of ISEB in the field of education has been to achieve Discipline and quality of education which is the backbone of ISEB.
The Nationality policy on Education suggested intensification of ISEB for extending learning facilities in a phased manner at High School & Intermediate levels all over the country and abroad as an independent system with its own curriculum and examination leading to awarding of certificates.
What makes ISEB a convenient and viable approach towards education is that student's get the facility of online admission and their enrollment number is given right way. Moreover, the online study material is provided in different languages as per the subjects opted by the students or their preference. We also provide online verification of the results of the pass out students.
Our visualization of providing education to school students in India and students or working talented abroad has taken shape by way of the extension of instructional delivery facilities In India and abroad. These educational facilities are intended to target specific needs of students all over the world.