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The Board shall adopt the guidelines of Academic Committee from time to time in respect of conduct of examinations. The evaluation is carried out according to the Scheme laid down by the Academic Committee of the Board from time to time. There shall be Board examinations at the end of the each Term for the Programmes undertaken by the student.

The registered Student of the Board has the option to appear in the Examination through On-Demand Examination System (ODES). Student can appear in the examination through ODES as per their wish and preparation as and when they feel ready for the examination, subject to availability of the seats in the examination.


The internal evaluation is conducted on the basis of written tests, presentations, assignments, seminars, field visit, projects etc. The External Evaluation shall be through Term End Examination, which will include practical experiments / viva-voce etc. Both internal and external evaluation will be done using direct grading system as per the Board rules and regulations.

Transfer of Credit

The ISSEB acknowledges previous knowledge by allowing transfer of credits up to two subjects passed from member boards of the Board of Boards of School Education in India (COBSE).

Secondary/Senior Secondary students of the member-Boards of the Board of Boards of School Education in India (COBSE), who have passed in at least one subject, but have not qualified in the Programme, may seek admission in the respective Pre Degree Level Certificate Programme at ISSEB and avail facility of Transfer of Credit.

The facility of Transfer of Credit will be permissible under the following conditions:

  • Student will have the option to get the credit transferred to a maximum of two subjects, provided these subjects are passed with 33% in the last five years.
  • The credits will be given only in those subjects who are included in ISSEB scheme of studies and the scheme of examination. Transfer of Credit in the subjects having practical at Senior Secondary level will be allowed only when you pass in theory and practical separately.
  • Student will have to give full details of the Transfer of Credit Subjects and marks obtained on the Admission Form.
  • Student will have to attach the original mark sheet issued by the Parent Board.
  • Student will have to pay requisite fee per subject for transfer of credit for the number of subjects in which Transfer of Credit is required.